A Moment In Time: 40+ Captivating Historical Photos That Capture The Essence Of The Past

By Stuart W

Since the dawn of photography in 1826, people have been taking pictures of all sorts of weird and wonderful things. This new art form gave them a new and lasting way of recording aspects of their day-to-day life, and it now gives people like us a window into the past.

This series of important historical photos might change your perspective on things. There’s young love and old love, there are photos of things that would never be made legal today, and there’s dignity and a little bit of sadness.

But each of these historical photos is fascinating in its own unique way. We’ve loved putting together this ‘virtual exhibit,’ and we hope you experience the same amount of joy and excitement we have. So, without further ado, let’s get on with the show!

Coca-Cola delivery Truck- 1909

Coca-Cola is perhaps the most iconic drink in the world. Although the branding has changed over the years, it is still distinctively recognizable even in its earlier incarnations. We particularly like the detail that says they sell candies as well.

Image courtesy of jaykirsch / Reddit

That truck is very well stocked, which suggests that even back then, the famous carbonated soft drink enjoyed the same popularity it does today. It’s truly an iconic American classic, although the method of delivery has somewhat advanced from back then!

The Original TV Remote Control as used in the 1970s

The technology of television is something that seems to be evolving almost yearly. TV’s getting bigger and better, and now, there are more stations than there have ever been. In the 1970s, there weren’t as many channels, but the stations still needed to be changed.

Image courtesy of huffingtonpost.com

This little guy certainly seems to be happy with his work seeing as he has a nice little smile on his face. Although this setup might seem pretty primitive and basic by today’s hyper-sleek standards, it was all they had back then. The best part is the batteries never needed changing! 

A Journey Back 72 Years

When people recreate old photographs from their younger years, they can carry a strange sort of emotive quality that is both poignant and joyful. This is one such example that really captures that essence. Just look at that dazzling smile!

Image courtesy of Bmchris44 / Reddit

It’s a shame that the dog doesn’t feature in the modern iteration, but apart from that, it’s an incredible reenactment of the original scene. The subject’s personality shines through in these photos since you can tell that this lady really loves that motorcycle.

High School Girls Learning Auto Mechanics- 1927

We really enjoy the composition of this photo. Furthermore, the progressive nature of the activity captured is really great to see. There are some great details in this one; for example, take a look at their footwear. We’re not sure how they pulled off heels and coveralls, but they did!

Image courtesy of Everett Collection / Shutterstock

It was young ladies such as the ones pictured here that laid the groundwork for a fairer and more equal world. Good for them for not being intimidated to learn skills that are often thought of as being traditionally male.

Life on the American Prairie- 1880’s

Life was a bit hard on the American prairie during the nineteenth century, especially for those who were the first to settle it. Despite the hardships, these family members were elegantly dressed and dignified and obviously cared about their appearance.

Image courtesy of blackourhistory.tumblr.com

In the background, you can see a house, and it is a fair assumption to think that it belonged to the family pictured here. We can’t help but wonder what it looked like on the inside. We suspect it was just as neat as the owners themselves.

An Unusual View From The Top

This unusual photograph is fascinating and is one of our favorite examples of how photos can give you a fresh insight into something that is both familiar yet somehow strange. Who knew that’s what the top of the great pyramid looks like?

Image courtesy of xhoker / Reddit

The Great Pyramid of Giza is world-famous and maintains an aura of mystery that has fascinated countless people for millennia, including us. Nobody knows for sure exactly how these massive structures were constructed, but this view emphasizes their intricate nature. 

Camberley Kate

We love dogs, and most people do, but we’re not sure we could keep up with over 600 of them! But Camberley Kate could. She was an eccentric lady who looked after and cared for stray dogs. She was famous for never turning one away.

Image courtesy of BBC

She was an eccentric who lived in the town of Camberley, England and has become somewhat of a town icon. She also donated money to charity and lived a humble and modest life, preferring to care for her four-legged friends. Such a sweetheart!

A Young Artist In The City Of Lights- 1946

Street scenes, especially ones taken a long time ago, are a brilliant snapshot into the past. Paris has always been a very artistic and bohemian city, and this young man certainly encapsulated that. We love all the details in the background.

Image courtesy of ExploreMoreMysteries / Reddit

This is one of those photos where the more you look at it, the more you appreciate it. In the background, we can see the famous church, Sacre-Coeur. It is one of France’s most famous landmarks and has always been a fascinating subject for artists. We wonder if that’s what he’s painting.

The After-effects Of A Good Time- 1934

Well, we’ve all been there, haven’t we?! This gentleman seems to have over-indulged by having one too many. It almost looks like he is clinging to the lamppost for dear life! Candid photos such as this one are rare but oh-so precious.

Image courtesy of old photos

The park in the photo is doused with a thick fog, a phenomenon often referred to as a ‘London pea-souper.’ It really adds to the intrigue of the image. We can only hope that the man managed to find his way home okay.

Samurai Warriors, 1860-1880

In early-modern Japan, the Samurai were a class of military nobility. They were famed for their prestige and fearsome capabilities in battle. They were highly regarded and were famed for cultivating codes of martial virtues. In short, these guys were awesome!

Image courtesy of old photos

You can tell by the looks on their faces that they were a class of people that held pride and bravery in exceptionally high esteem. They were allowed special privileges, such as the right to carry two swords, as you can see in this picture.

Roland Gets a Snow Bath- 1930s

Roland was a 4,000-pound elephant seal that lived at the Berlin zoo during the 1930s. As you can tell from the photo, he was a very big boy indeed! Another thing that’s quite obvious here is that he certainly enjoyed the attention he was getting here.

Image courtesy of Slow-moving-sloth / Reddit

Roland was beloved around the zoo and became somewhat of a local celebrity. He died during the Second World War, and after his death, the Berlin zoo erected a memorial for him which included a bronze cast of his face.

Good, Old Long Johns- 1940’s

That looks like terrible work to us! These long johns have frozen stiff, which gives you a good indication of how cold they must have been! It really makes us grateful for the thicker modern clothing of today and washing machines.

Image courtesy of planetguide.ru

Before people were able to make denser and warmer clothes, the only way to beat the cold was to layer up with things like long johns. These were a type of long undergarment that would help to protect them from the harsh weather. Pictures like this just make you grateful for advancement.

All Smiles- 1959

What a fantastic smile! This little girl posing with her cat must have one of the biggest grins that we’ve ever seen. She seems to be in a small yard, but her surroundings aren’t quite as inviting as her smile would suggest.

Image courtesy of eaglemaxie 4 / Reddit

It just shows that a child doesn’t need much more than a cute cat to make them happy. It’s pretty evident that the girl and her cat share a special bond because there’s no way a cat would let you hold t like this if you weren’t besties!

A Family’s Journey Through Generations- 1905

This one is a rather unusual family portrait that depicts four generations from the same family. The composition is quite striking, and you can definitely see the resemblance between the four of them. Would you hang something like this on your walls?

Image courtesy of old photos

The two subjects in the middle particularly look very similar, and we wouldn’t be surprised if they occasionally got mistaken as being sisters as opposed to mother and daughter. It’s sad that smiling for portraits was frowned upon in those days.

Well, It’s Definitely Cheaper!

The Second World War touched upon almost all aspects of society. One of the lesser-known contributions to the war effort was the ‘skate to work to save gas’ initiative. These ladies pictured here were out spreading the word with great enthusiasm!

Image courtesy of Andyp/ Reddit

Judging by the appearance of the onlookers, we are not convinced they were seasoned skaters. But we like to think that the fun that these ladies seem to be having managed to help persuade a few to have a go! Do you think this would work today?

A Historic Rendezvous- 1919

It’s fair to assume that most people are somewhat familiar with Charlie Chaplin. Frequently considered one of the first major stars of cinema, his legacy in film is still revered today. However, we suspect that fewer people have heard of Helen Keller.

Image courtesy of bonjourromy / Reddit

She was an American author and disability rights activist who became deaf and blind after an illness she suffered as an infant. Keller did a lot of work to further people’s understanding of disabilities when they weren’t well understood. So, this photo really is historic.

A Picture Of Pure Excitement- 1910

By the first decade of the twentieth century, photographic technology was becoming more prevalent and cheaper to produce. This meant that more and more people had access to cameras. It looks like this cheeky chappy was pictured trying out his new camera.

Image courtesy of old photos

There is something very endearing about the way he is holding the camera and photographing the photographer who is photographing him. We have no way of knowing what career this youngster went into, but you can have a good guess…

Goofy Victorian Lady

Who hasn’t pulled a funny face in a photograph? It’s easy and fun, but not everyone can pull it off. It’s great to see that the silly things we do in photos were still being done generations ago. This lady’s funny pose is one you don’t often see in old pictures.

Image courtesy of Public Domain / News Dog Media

When we think of the Victorian era, we often think of women with tight bodices, zero smiles, and very straight-laced. However, this lady’s picture just goes to show that how we imagine life used to be is not necessarily the case.

The Original Mirror Selfie

When we think about mirror selfies, we tend to associate them with the modern age and the advent of the internet and social media, and rightfully so, because we bet you definitely have one on your phone! So, this couple from Japan was clearly ahead of their time.

Image courtesy of Unknown author – My collection/ wiki commons / public domain

There seems to be something a bit modern about them. They also seem to be quite happy posing together in the mirror, not knowing that they were experiencing something that wouldn’t be the norm for another 100 years! Certified pioneers, these ones.

The Interior of a Train Carriage in the 1890s

This super stylish train carriage interior really highlights the luxury of rail travel at the end of the nineteenth century. From the ornate chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to the plush seats, we would definitely have paid top dollar to travel in this!

Image courtesy of driehausemuseum.org

The craftsmanship and expense that went into constructing and furnishing this train carriage must have been tremendous. We are confident that it was an incredibly exciting and luxurious way to travel. We can already picture the passengers in their fancy hats chatting about their lives on their way to various locations.

Stylish Gents From the Early 1900s

Speaking of hats, the elegance and class of these two men is evident for all to see. From the angle of their hats to the shine of their shoes, these two dapper fellas clearly cared about their appearance, and they definitely didn’t skimp out on accessories, either.

Image courtesy of Doug Kelster

There’s no way of knowing what these guys did for a living, but they seem very conscientious about their style. Judging by their accessories, we’d say they were gainfully employed. See, this is what they mean when they say clothes say a lot about a person.

Daddy’s Home- 1945

You can really feel the joy radiating from this photograph. It’s hard not to smile because of the warmth and emotion that was captured by this camera. World War Two was perhaps the single most devastating conflict of the twentieth century.

Image courtesy of deleteduser / Reddit

Sadly, many soldiers did not return home from the conflict, but this photograph serves as a testament to the bond between a parent and a child. Both have their arms outstretched as they lunge toward each other. It’s safe to say that this hug was a very special one indeed.

Riding In Style- 1940s

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again; health and safety was different in the olden days! We’re not sure how safe or comfortable this child car seat was, but judging by the glee on this toddler’s face, we would say it was perfectly okay.

Image courtesy of mothermag.com

Road and traffic safety is one element of society that has really changed since the 1940s, and we are certainly glad that that’s the case. Since cars have become faster and more powerful, it only makes sense that the precautions have to improve too.

Such A Precocious Kitty!

There is something quite sweet about this particular photo, and we love it! The children certainly seem to be taking the photo session very seriously, and the cat looks pretty focused on its job. How much do you think it charged per hour?

Image courtesy of Imgur

We’re not sure if the cat was a trained photographer or just an enthusiastic hobbyist, but we would have loved to have seen how the photograph turned out. We also wonder what sort of animal took the photo of the cat taking the picture!

A Kitchen In Montana- 1900

This lady does not look especially thrilled to be having her photo taken, and who can blame her? She appears to be hard at work doing the laundry. The kitchen itself seems like it’s the hub of a busy home.

Image courtesy of montanawomenhistory.org

These types of photographs really capture the essence of what life was like all those years ago. Lots of hard work and not a lot of luxuries or creature comforts to make things easier and more comfortable. We definitely have it easier with regard to house chores.

A Canine And Its Owner- 1938

This photo was taken in Texas, and it depicts a lady in her one-room home with her loyal pet. It’s a pretty reasonable guess that life must have been a bit harder back then, living in such a small space.

Image courtesy of Notbob1959 / Reddit

What we love about this photo is the amount of detail that was captured. The stove, the dressing table, the bed, and all the trinkets, pots, and pans make this a fairly busy scene. Also, despite the cramped conditions, the woman seems pretty content.

A Tango in The Middle Of The Street- 1951

There is such a lovely contrast in this stunning photo of a couple in the middle of a passionate Tango and the somewhat morose-looking onlooker. You can almost feel the resentment and jealousy. If only he had a dance partner!

Image courtesy of passion-of-dance.tumblr.com

Another remarkable aspect of this photo is the textures of the wall and the sidewalk. It all feels so vivid. The way the dancers are embracing and their clothes rippling with movement really captures the fluidity of the Tango, wouldn’t you agree?

The Power Of The Radio- 1940

These days, all you need is a phone to be up to date with whatever is going on. Back then, things were not that easy because you needed a radio, but not everyone could afford one. These gentlemen certainly seem to be enjoying whatever it is they’re listening to on the radio.

Image courtesy of Paul-Belgium /Reddit

There’s a real sense of a gathered community in this photograph, and we can’t help but think that with the prevalence of mobile phones and technology, scenes like this have become extremely rare. It’s too bad because there’s so much joy here that we can’t help but smile!

A Stroll On the Titanic

The tragic sinking of the Titanic has gone down as one of, if not the most infamous nautical disasters of all time. More than 1,500 people lost their lives in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean when it sank.

Image courtesy of old photos

These two passengers seem to be enjoying a morning stroll around the deck, blissfully unaware of the events that would soon beset the ship. We don’t know who this couple was or if they survived, but this is undoubtedly a poignant photo. 

The ‘Joy’ of Easter Captured In A Photo- 1955

This one is a bit frightening! The two youngsters in this photograph don’t appear to be especially pleased to be celebrating Easter with this terrifying figure, and who can blame them? We just hope that at least the chocolate eggs were worth it.

Image courtesy of alwanfilm / Reddit

Characters such as the Easter Bunny have long been a staple part of childhood, and it is very interesting to see how such figures have evolved over the years. It’s certainly good to know that our present version is a lot friendlier looking!

Another Unusual Victorian-Era Portrait

We just love these photographs of people doing crazy things whilst posing for a portrait. This woman is definitely not the shy sort. Photographs give the subject an opportunity to let their personality really shine and stand out, and we think this lady understood this quite well!

Image courtesy of Public Domain / News Dog Media

We can only imagine how much fun she would have had using today’s technology! She looks like a real character and has obviously mastered the art of the cross-eyed pose. Just imagine the fun she would have had with an app like Snapchat!

A Photo Of Venice Being Cleaned- 1956

The canals of Venice are world-famous for their beauty and grandeur. This fascinating photo from the mid-fifties gives a vivid insight into the amount of work and manpower it took to maintain them then. Thanks to this, millions of people can still able enjoy Venice now.

Image courtesy of Unknownphotographer/wiki commons / public domain

We have to say that it doesn’t look like particularly pleasant work, but there seems to be a real sense of teamwork in this picture. With all that silt and muck, it must have been smelly as well as backbreaking.

Scrapping Metal to Help the War Effort- 1942

The longer the second world war lasted, the more resources it took to maintain the war effort. Everybody was expected to play their part, and these two were no exception. Metal had to be scrapped, melted down, and repurposed at the time.

Image courtesy of bigpicture.ru

The lady on the right is so enthusiastic about doing her bit and helping the effort that she has balanced what appears to be a box of kettles on top of her head. If that’s not dedication to the cause, then we don’t know what is.

Young and Happy and in Love- 1920s

It’s a universal fact of life that any young couple in love will, at some point in their relationship, pose together to take silly photos. This is one such example taken in the 1920s. It is an enduring testament to that fact.

Image courtesy of flickrhivemind.net

They really do look completely in love and very happy in each other’s company (and jacket)! We can only imagine what is making them laugh so hard. Perhaps the guy just said something naughty about how they were posing, or maybe we’re just jealous!

The Sunset Has Never Lost Its Touch- 1925

The main detail that really stands out in this picture is the fact that the two ladies are wearing high heels. That is despite the fact that we can tell from the scene that the terrain they are standing on is very uneven and treacherous.

Image courtesy of Unknown author – Mycollection/wiki commons / public domain

The man seems to be wearing a more traditional dress, and the juxtaposition, along with the composition of the scene, gives a sort of magical feel to the photo. The photograph hints at a stunning backdrop, and we can only imagine how it looked in reality.

A Dedicated Photographer at Work- 1932

Thomas Kelley was a famous and influential photographer who worked predominantly in New York City. As you can see from this shot of him in action, he went to great lengths to ensure he got some truly remarkable pictures. If you ask us, that’s the mark of a true artist.

Image courtesy of theheadshotstudio.co.uk

The sense of danger in this photo is only matched by the level of poise and calm, not to mention, the balance exhibited by Kelley. Almost as impressive as this is the fact that despite being precariously perched, he is immaculately dressed! A man of great discipline, we’d say.

The Tallest Man Ever

Measuring a whopping 8 foot eleven inches tall, Robert Wadlow is renowned across the world as being the tallest living human since records started being kept. This photograph gives a good idea of just how large he was. He was nicknamed the Giant of Illinois.

Image courtesy of infobae.com

He became an instant celebrity after his 1936 tour of America with the Ringling brothers circus. Sadly his great height also led to a lot of problems with his health, and he passed away at the young age of twenty-two.

An Old Kodak, circa 1900

What a beautiful vintage Kodak camera! The lady in this scene seems to be focusing very intently on whatever it is that she is photographing. She appears to be sitting by a lake or a pond, so peaceful and content with the world around her.

Image courtesy of donttakepictures.com

The whole image has an air of tranquility about it, and she is clearly enamored with her work. Remember, photography was relatively new at the turn of the twentieth century, so this is quite a rare find. We wonder how her life turned out and if she kept doing what she loved.

The Single-Wheeled Engine- 1933

Davide Chislagi was an Italian engineer and inventor, and he is pictured here testing out his invention in France. There is something almost futuristic about this machine, but we’re not sure how practical it was, or comfortable, for that matter.

Image courtesy of Patrick Abeels / Pinterest

The Monowheel had been suggested as a serious new mode of transport from the 1860s onward. Numerous inventors tried to come up with workable versions of it, like Chislagi here. The idea definitely had a certain style about it, but it never went onto mainstream success.

A Young Entrepreneur At Work- 1931

This youngster seems to be quite the budding businessman. The tank on his back is a portable lemonade dispenser. Would you have guessed that correctly? It looks like business is pretty good since his customers look like they are ready for some delicious lemonade.

Image courtesy of historydaily.org

Judging from the look on the lad’s face, we would imagine that his working day is going pretty well. The dispenser itself doesn’t look that big, so we wonder how often he would have to go home to replenish it.

Skating In Style- 1937

We’re not sure how people would ice skate fully dressed up in a suit and hat these days, but 1937 was a different time. This fella sure looks stylish as he cuts across the ice. His one concession to the cold seems to be his gloves.

Image courtesy of historydaily.org

There is something very elegant and refined about the way this man is dressed up for an activity that, these days, doesn’t demand such clothes. It’s a great picture that really speaks of how much times have changed since then.

Montreal Playground- 1950’s

Now, this just looks dangerous! We’re sure it was a lot of fun at the time, but we’re also pretty certain that this playground in Montreal must have seen its fair share of injuries. You can almost feel the parents’ fear!

Image courtesy of DiosMioMan2 / Reddit

Health and safety ha,ve of course, cut out a lot of the risks associated with playgrounds, and that’s not a bad thing. The kids who are playing in this image seem to be having a great time, so we just hope they all got home safely.

Jacques Biederer at Work- 1928

This man seems to be very happy with his work! Paris has always been a city with a slightly risque reputation throughout history. It was the base of Biederer, who was renowned for his pioneering work in erotic photography in that era.

Image courtesy of PeasKhichra / Reddit

Both the photographer and the model, who is the subject of this series, seem to be sharing a smile. Despite everything, they were both comfortable with the nature of the work they were producing. We’re certain that this particular field has evolved over the years.