Tiny Yet Mighty: Facts About Ants

By Anthony K

Did you know that there are approximately 20 quadrillion ants on Earth? That’s right; you read it correctly. The number of ants on our planet is so massive that their biomass outweighs all the wild birds and mammals combined. If you’re having trouble understanding their sheer quantity, let’s put it in perspective.

If we were to count every single ant on Earth, it would take us a very long time. In fact, it would take us over 300 years to do so, assuming we could count one ant every second! And with their short lifecycle, the theoretical task becomes downright impossible. That’s how immense their population is!

Image source: pixelatelier/Unsplash

Ecological Role

They many be tiny, but they play a big role in maintining a healthy ecosystem. Ants aerate the soil, control insect populations, and help with decomposition. They’re the ultimate team players, and they’ve been around for millions of years, adapting and thriving in nearly every corner of the world.


What’s even more fascinating is the diversity of ants. For starters, “ants” doesn’t refer to a species; they’re a family. The family Formicidae is comprised over over 12k species. From the industrious leafcutter ants to the fierce army ants, they all have specific roles in their colonies.

Ant Appreciation

Image source: salijareer/Unsplash

It’s really hard not to feel a sense of awe when we think about the sheer number of these tiny creatures and just how important they are to our planet. So, next time you find some ants at a picnic, take a moment to appreciate it rather than feel annoyed.