Strange And Rare Blooms That Will Never Be Seen In A Supermarket Bouquet
Whether it is a gorgeous bouquet or one single flower, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like the look and smell of vibrant flowers. It doesn’t matter if we’re giving or receiving them, these pretty little delicacies have always symbolized affection, wholesomeness, and life. The trend of gifting flowers to someone may have lost its charm over the years, but we assure you that this gesture will never die. Some flower enthusiasts consider roses, lilies, lavender, daisies, and sunflowers to be the majestic five, but we are here to assure you that mother nature has graced us with thousands of species of flowers! And many of them that you are not so familiar definitely don’t look like typical flowers, but their uniqueness will surely leave you amazed or even questioning the universe. Here are 40 of the most special flowers to exist.
Corpse lily
Otherwise known as Amorphophallus titanium, this flower is one heck of a beast. Size-wise, obviously. A little fun fact about this flower that will amaze you to the core: this blossom can grow up to 12 feet and can weigh up to 200 pounds!

It’s very rare, and this Indonesian species does not smell that pretty. Wonder where it got its suspicious name from? Well, if you ever smelled it, you would’ve known: from its smell. This beasty has an odor of a corpse (!) to lure in the insects!
Drakaea glyptodon, or the hammer orchid, is very small and very easy to miss. But its vibrant purple labellum is not hard to spot; if you’ve seen this rare beauty in Western Australia, consider yourself lucky. One thing: this flower resets itself after it lures its prey in.

It get its name because of its shape and pollination technique: its pheromone secretion impersonates a female wasp, which is intended to attract male wasps for pollination. When it lands on the purple labellum, the flower sucks the wasp in. Pretty cool, right?
False Bird of Paradise
Also widely known as the Lobster Claw, or Wild Plantain, the charm of this flower has exceeded its reputation. If you haven’t seen or heard about this flowery beauty, you are missing out. Because the bright pinkish-red claw-shaped leaves hide the actual flowers inside!

Incredible pollination method, right? The long-beaked birds and insects have to go “all in” during pollination. Though not very rare, this beauty grows up to a height of 3.5 feet tall if taken extra care of and given an excess of water and fertilizers.
Silver Vase
This Brazilian flower otherwise referred to as Urn Plant, certainly did not get its name from the color of its flowery petals. A little fun fact about this plant is that the “silver vase” comes from the silvery striped leaves surrounding the blooms; pinkish flowers grow out from the center.

As soon as its silvery green leaves grow in a bunch, its pink flowers sprout full size. As soon as they do, the leaves start to die. The technique for its restoration is grafting or transplanting its leaves before it’s too late!
Living Stones
We would very much like to introduce you to the South African flowering stone! Lithops Weberi, also called living stones, were thus named because of their appearance that is very obviously similar to genuine stones. With yellow or white daisies popping out, it looks extraordinary!

These little succulents have become drought-proof after evolutionary growth in South African regions. They need very little water and are portable. Just cut off a little leaf and graft it in another stone. There you go – a new Lithops Weberi is all yours!
Monkey Face Orchid
Just face it (pun intended), you’re amazed by this weirdly charming flower! We believe you get where this flower got its name from. The beady little eyes in the middle adorned with brows, a spouted nose, and a beard shape below…

Monkey Face Orchid’s name did not take much imagination. Also called Dracula Simia, its fang-like petals give the name away on their own. Though rarely found, mostly in mountain areas in Peru and Ecuador, this weird beauty is a sight to see!
Flying Duck Orchid
Another example of “lack of creative flower names!” Though seriously cute, this duck look-alike flower is one of the wildflower species, and cannot be taken home for décor purposes, sorry guys. This reddish flower needs a certain kind of fungus and environment to grow in its natural beauty!

Found in wild parts of Australia, you may miss the flower as its color is easily camouflaged in the surrounding bushes and plants. But it’s not a flaw: the vibrant color and smell attract the insects to its bill, which are then sucked in by the duck flower.
Catherine-wheel Pincushion
Protea Pinwheel or Pincushion, whatever you decide to call it, looks more like a carnival toy or pretty lollipop than mother earth’s creation. Remarkable fact: this flower, believe it or not, grows from ashes! Well, technically. Its growth is connected to fire.

You can also associate this “fireball” feature with its strength to survive the harshest of climates! It attracts the insects – ants, mostly – towards its fruit. The ants leave the seeds, which gets buried underground over time until there’s a fire – a cue for its rebirth!
Monkey Cups
Otherwise known as Tropical Pitcher Plant, this “flower” is not typical at all! Unlike most of the species on this list, this plant is a sort of a modified leaf. The confusion starts when the leaves take the role of flowers: pollination and capturing insects.

Originating in Indonesia, Madagascar, and Australia, this flower has a “juicy” appearance! But drinking it may be the last thing you want to do. Its nectar is reserved for insects as bait. This carnivorous climber captures its prey in the elongated goblets-like structures.
Beehive Ginger
One of the weirdest, but definitely one of the most charming! You may get confused by its beehive or pine cone appearance, but this is a flower. The “ginger” part of the name comes from the odor it produces to lure the insects in.

Its honeycombs, called bracts, collect a large amount of water and give off the ginger fragrance. Little yellow or golden-ish “sub-flowers” also grow on its bracts, which makes them even prettier. You could keep this 6-foot tall flower plant indoors, but they require a lot of space due to their size.
This fungi look-alike is one of a kind and is extremely rare. You may not see it in your entire life because it only grows in the Namibia desert. One of the most astounding facts about this flower is that this is an ancient plant! It’s been around since the Jurassic era.

Wondering how it survived for that long? Well, this weirdo plant gains its strength (moisture) from the fog and dew in the desert. Another flower fact? This succulent can survive up to 1,500 years! How’s that for survival of the fittest?
Virgin Mary in Moon Orchid
One of the most ethereal flowers is here for you to feast your eyes on. The Phalaenopsis Orchid will so enchant you with its beauty that you won’t be able to look away for a while. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary Moth Orchid, but wait until the rays of sunlight hit it…

Moon Orchid is shaped as if a Thumbelina is sitting inside it like a Virgin Mary. Do you see where it got its name from? When the light hits its white petals, the flower seems to sparkle under the rays, enhancing its beauty to another level. Even an island is named after it – Orchid Island.
White Egret Orchid
The delicacy of this has us intrigued. The similarity between this beauty and a white egret in full flight is undeniable; no need to wonder about the origin of its name. This orchid was discovered initially in Asia, but now it has roots (get it?) in the US, too.

However, the delicate appearance of this charming beauty can be a little deceiving: you see a single spike can carry at least ten White Egret Orchid flowers, and they even grow up to a length of sixteen inches! How’s that for a “delicate” garden plant?
Angel Orchid
As much as we would like to associate its name with this angelic beauty, its origin came directly from its uncanny resemblance to an angel in a gown with wings widespread. The angel orchid is one truly divine beauty born in India.

The angel orchid blooms right as the monsoon season starts. Though it grows up to a total length of 5 inches, the little angels do not fail to capture our attention. One heart-shaped leaf on the ground and a cluster of these flowers on the stalks above is a masterpiece!
Darwin’s Slippers
Confused by the name? Wait till you hear the rest of the two terms of this peculiar species of flowers: Chamber Maids and Happy Aliens. Even though it is known as the Chamber Maid in more regions, we have no idea how it got that name.

But about the “Darwin Slippers.” It got this because Darwin found it up in the mountainous areas of South America. Little guys are about 4 inches tall and love cold weather. Their plate-like structure gets pollens on the birds’ heads when they suck the flower’s nectar.
Passion Flower
We want to introduce a relatively common species of flower – commonly found and commonly used. Otherwise known as the “Clock Flower” in India and Japan, this flower has its roots in commercial industries due to its odor and flavor.

Wondering why it’s called a “passion” flower? When it was first discovered in Spain, they thought it resembled Jesus’ crucifixion, also known as “the Passion.” So, now you know! With 400 different varieties, the flower is widely used in caterpillar and butterfly farms too!
Parrot Flower
Though extremely beautiful and mesmerizing, this native of Thailand is one of the endangered plants nowadays. It may not seem like a parrot at first glance, but if you look at its gorgeous side profile, this angelic flower looks like a bird in flight!

Nature’s vibrant colors make this entrancing. It is rare to the point that people who haven’t seen it may believe the pictures of these flowers to be Photoshopped! Also, it is illegal to pluck it, let alone take it out of the country, due to endangerment.
Holy Ghost Orchid
Another endangered species. Such sadness! This Holy Ghost Orchid is practically a holy species. The flower, also called Dove Orchid, got its name from the intricate form of a dove perched inside the petals. You can make out the dove in the middle with its wings open, you see?

And for those who don’t know, the Holy Ghost takes the form of a Dove in Bible. This is why the flower is so named. And yes, the delicacy and whiteness give away the name, too! However, this angelic national flower of Panama is sadly facing extinction.
Fly Orchid
Here comes another orchid on the list of addest flowers in the world: the Fly Orchid! The appearance of this blossom is one thing that gives it its name; you guessed it! The fly look-alike petals. You see the wings, the bug eyes, and pointy legs?

However, the name got more recognition when the botanists learned that the nectar of this flower species is more likely to attract flies and aphids. “Flies catching flies” – such fantastic irony! Also, it turns out that its tuber, when dried, can be very nutritious.
Star Flower
Starfish Flower, or Star Flower for short, is pretty to look at but don’t get us started on its scent! It probably doesn’t look like it – here comes the deception – but it smells like rotten flesh. If you have seen it, well, good for you. But if you accidentally smelled it, we pity you.

We believe that the contradictory nature of this carrion plant is not a coincidence. Its striking purple, reddish appearance is gorgeous, and they’re sometimes kept in open lawns. But its dead-meat smell acts as bait for flies because what other way to attract them, right?
Snake Gourd Flower
We know it looks more like a spider than a snake, but, oh well. Also, another wrong thing about the name is the “flower” part. Confused? Well, we were too, when we got to know that this is not a flower, but a VEGETABLE!

Yes! This Snake Gourd Flower belongs to the pumpkin family, and this Indian veggie tastes bitter and sour. But it is useful, and instead of using it in culinary dishes and food items, it is used for medicinal purposes. Overly ripened gourds are also used as a tomato substitute.
Devil’s Hand
When we say “devil’s hand,” we are not kidding. We don’t know how else to describe this one creepy flower. Just the looks of it give us Insidious vibes. Now imagine a whole tree covered in these red pointy claws!

Yes, it’s a 40-90 feet tall tree, not a tiny plant with flowers on it. This is also called a Monkey’s Paw; we don’t know which is creepier. However, this Mexican tree is beloved because its fruit is quite helpful; since the Aztecs, it’s been used as medicine.
Desert Pea
We know this burning red flower is exceptionally captivating, but you can’t go around plucking it for home décor or anything; it’s highly illegal to cut them unless officially permitted by the government itself. Not because it’s endangered, but because it is very special.

You’re thinking about how it got the name, right? Because it doesn’t look like anything like peas? Yes, we agree that this plant looks like little aliens with purple protruded faces. However, it got its name from its ability to survive in Australia’s driest and hottest climates.
White Bat Plant
You see little bat faces right there in clusters? Well, those aren’t real bats; those are flowers, people! The plant is so named because of that uncanny resemblance to the flying mammals and their big ears (bracts of the plant)! Also, there are two versions of this plant available: white and black.

This plant may seem weird because of those long white whiskers, which may touch the ground, and clusters of bat-faced flowers. These clusters contain up to 20 to 40 flowers each. Another thing: this bat plant can grow up to 23 to 35 inches tall!
Moth Orchid
We wonder why most of the weirdest flowers in the world are orchids. Well, not every species is eccentric and creepy, right? A bunch of them turned out to be so pretty it hurts. Just like this one – the Moth Orchid!

Found in all the rainbow colors, this beauty is quite common from South Asia to Northern Australia and the Philippines. Its essential feature is its “moth in a flight” appearance. Why so common? Well, probably due to its multiple blooming periods throughout the year!
Corpse Flower
Another dead meat-scented flower to lure in the bait. But let us tell you a few fun facts about this creepily awesome plant: it is one of the rarest of nature’s wonders. It is only found in a rainforest in Indonesia. Also, it is the largest flower in the world!

And despite the debate, this plant remains in the plant kingdom rather than fungi. Why this debate, you ask? Because despite its appearance as a flower, no other plant features like leaves, roots, and stems are visible. Other than that, its nature is parasitic, unlike other flowers.
Naked Man Orchid
Ever had a Turkish Delight? That sweet thing Edmund is obsessed with in Chronicles of Narnia? You know, Naked Man Orchid’s juice is used in the making of that sweet fluffy treat. These delightful purple flowers are used in several dishes!

We believe this time you are not wondering about the name of this Mediterranean flower; the man-shaped petals explain it all. From their long “hair” and arms and flailing lower halves that look like they’re dancing – they definitely got the right name!
Hooker’s Lips
You see it, don’t you? These are also called Hot Lips and Flower Lips, if you want to call it something else. No matter the name, you loners should know one thing: these Hooker’s Lips may look kissable but are not!

Another thing: these red lips aren’t the flowers, but bracts of the plant which look like leaves. When these “Lips” are fully formed, those tiny flowers start poking out, often white or light yellow. Sadly, these pretty Lips have become endangered due to their popularity and deforestation.
Dancing Ladies
If you’re lucky enough to find these charming Dancing Ladies, they make the whole world seem sparklingly beautiful. Again, emphasis on the “lucky” part. These flowers aren’t easy to find. Even the plant collectors have a hard time locating it.

This South African flower is tiny and delicate. The whole plant grows barely up to one foot, while the length of the Dancing Girls (their other name) is around half an inch. No wonder they are so hard to find; these should be a sign of luck!
Subterranean Plant
Outward appearances can be deceiving. This may look like a rock monster, but it is actually a super helpful plant. It is semi-common in the regions of South Africa. This bizarre-looking flower has parasitic features that add to its reputation.

Poor thing! Even though this plant has no visible roots, leaves, or stems, and even its flowers grow out of the ground for a short period, its berries are pretty delicious when baked on an open fire. Also, its fruit is used for tanning, curing acne, preserving fishnets, and many other purposes!
Tulip Orchids
Otherwise called “Swaddled Babies,” these tulip orchids are the definition of cute. There is no guessing required for the origin of its name. The flower petals shaped as babies wrapped up in white blankets are one of nature’s best creations! Change our minds.

Discovered in Columbia, these cutesy blossoms have a very tempting smell that attracts insects and birds. When they land on the hinged lip of the petal, they are shoved into the flower where the pollen attaches to the flying creatures.
Bee Orchid
Okay, so imagine a bumblebee all smiley and happy, almost like they look in cartoons. Got it? Well, folks, let us introduce you to “the Bee Orchid!” Do you see what we’re talking about? We believe that nature just amazed you and melted your heart with its endless creativity.

This flower is too adorable to be called weird, to be honest. Very common in Europe, the Middle East, and Northern Africa, this flower is somewhat complicated in the transplantation sense. It requires a specific type of fungi and environment to grow. For pollination, this “bee” catches the wasps!
Snapdragon Seed Pod
Want to see a circle of life in flowers? Well, Snapdragons are the best for this task. These flowers are such enchanting creations that in the olden days, people believed that this flower would keep them safe from all the curses and evil spirits.

Everything about this flower is fascinating – its scent, its bright colors, its fruit. When the sides of the fruit are squeezed, the flower opens and closes like a dragon’s mouth, in case you’re still wondering about its name. Also, the remaining “skull” seed looks like a dragon.
Tiger Face in Moon Orchid
This magnificent, beautiful flower is one of the national flowers of Indonesia. You see the stripes on the petal that resemble that of a tiger? Yes, whoever named this striking plant also saw the uncanny resemblance between the two creatures.

Usually, the striping and markings on flowers are evolved to either simulate larger animals to scare away predators or to resemble the genitals of insects to attract the most significant number of pollinators and propagate. We wonder which one is it.
Voodoo Lily
Despite its striking purple color, this flower is quite weird. First, because it gives off an odor of a dead possum. Second, this flower is not even a flower! It’s a spathe; this plant lives from three to four days and dies, only to reveal a dark seed pod after withering.

The third fact about this spathe is that even though it only lives for a few days, it can survive almost any climate. It can go through the harshest weather only to die in a sincerely optimum environment a few days later.
Brazilian Dutchman’s pipe
Some plants are strange, while some can be straight-up bizarre. Take this species, for example. It does not support swallowtail butterfly’s eggs and kills small caterpillars. Like, why would a plant be a danger to little harmless butterflies and caterpillars?

We don’t mean to be biassed or anything, but this spectacular-looking plant does very well match its features. Its vibrant colors and a foul smell are to lure its prey. But despite the bad parts, this plant does indeed look like a Dutchman’s pipe.
Flame Lily
No matter how intriguing and irresistible this weed seems, don’t ever consume it! Just like a flame burns, the Flame Lily kills! So if you are to grow it in your house, always take extra precautions. Especially if you are a pet person because cats and flame lily don’t get along.

Its structural features resemble fire, and even the colors are as bright as flames. This exquisite flower is a climber and a scrambler. And it sure brings a touch of enchantment to the place where it is planted. But, again, precautions are mandatory!
Birds of Paradise
This tropical flower looks like a Bird in Paradise taking flight. Its intricacy is one of its unique features that makes us drool over its beauty! Not to mention the vibrancy; mother nature does know a thing or two about attractive color palettes.

Though tropical, this ferocious plant can survive warm to cool climates. Very easy to grow, handle and care for, this “heavenly bird” completes the best of bouquets. A little fun fact: believe it or not, this flower is related to bananas, of all things!
Spider chrysanthemum
Here comes everyone’s favorite! Spider Mums! Well, where are our plant lovers? They must know about – or even have – this gorgeous beauty adorning their patio and bedrooms. Gardeners and plant enthusiasts have always been fond of this dear, beloved flower.

Their handling is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. No direct sunlight. Optimum room temperature. No excess water or fertilizer. Cut off the dull blooms and tight buds. Do all this, and you will be rewarded in the form of its increased flowering.
Pleurothallis truncata
No common name or nickname? Yes, that’s how weird this plant is. Like, so odd that botanists aren’t even sure where to put this flowering plant! Even though the flowers look like Lilies of the Valley, but the truth is that this plant belongs to the orchid family.

Do you see the problem here? They resemble lilies, yes, but they also have an uncanny resemblance to baby bonnets. This is why they are also placed beside Bonnet Orchids. Also, there is no specific feature that is theris alone.