Playful Candid Roller Coaster Pictures That Were Taken Mid Thrill

By Arvyn B

This article was originally published on SportFoy

Roller coasters, for most of us, are a lot of fun. That feeling of adrenaline running through your body or your stomach full of butterflies. It’s an addictive feeling of terror! One of the best parts of going on a roller coaster has to be the photos they sometimes take at the end. For some people, these photos can be a great snapshot of a thrilling time. It’s a souvenir to take home and show your loved ones just how fun the ride was. Unfortunately for other people, these photos are things you immediately want to shred because of how ridiculous they are. Luckily for us, the owners of these photos didn’t do that! You’re in for quite a ride with these roller coater pictures!

Reading Rapids

We know and love the feeling of reading a good book. Sometimes, it feels like you just can’t tear yourself away from its pages. For this group of friends, that feeling was quite literal! Just look at how interested they are.

Source: ElNickCharles (Reddit)

Splash Mountain is known for being a pretty wet and wild ride. Hopefully, their books didn’t get too soaked! It might be a staged photo, but that doesn’t change the hilarious factor at all. A 10 out of 10 for effort!

Beam me up

The unfortunate user that submitted this post was on this ride when he realized that he lost his cellphone. When he looked back at the photos after the ride, he realized anyone could see the exact moment he lost his phone!

Source: moonshine12 (Reddit)

Losing your phone is undoubtedly annoying, but we can’t help cracking up at this picture. Hopefully, this rider managed to find it again – you never know. At least he’ll always have the memory (and photo) of when he lost it!

Ghostface goes for a ride

There’s something about this picture that screams familiar. Should we give you more time? Take you back to the 90s? The woman looks just like the iconic mask from the horror movie, Scream! We have no idea if it was on purpose or an accident.

Source: lasirenita79 (Reddit)

Either way, it’s a photo that you won’t forget. Hopefully, it’s a scream of fun and enjoyment instead of one of fear. Take a look at her eyes, and it’s pretty hard to tell which of the two emotions she is expressing here!

Hey there, un-easy rider

Taking some kids on a roller coaster is a big no-no. This photograph is proof of why! Just look at how terrified the two girls seem to be. What’s funny is their dad in the front appears to be having a fantastic time!

Source: hgnsalley (Awkward Family Photos)

We reckon that these kids probably needed a lot of cheering up after this ride, or maybe a trip to a therapist. Look at how terrified the girl in the back is. Dad must have gotten a firm telling off. Or maybe they wanted to go again!

Cool and collected

Some seniors might never try going on a roller coaster. Not this cool grandma, though! She managed to stay looking calm on what must have been a pretty scary flume ride. We all wish we could look this regal when on the ride of our lives.

Source: EvolutionIXMR (Reddit)

That she managed to keep her shades on and her hood up is a miracle. That takes some serious coolness to make that happen. We don’t know if she truly enjoyed this ride, but something tells us that she probably didn’t.

When opportunity calls

This one is not what you think! These two brothers went on the chute together. The younger brother used this opportunity to get revenge on his big brother after being picked on. We’re not sure he chose the best time!

Source: Amanda (Awkward Family Photos)

We don’t support brotherly animosity, but we do support hilarious pictures. This is for sure one of those! Of course, we know this was staged since everyone knows about these cameras. But the timing, the pose! All on point and perfect.

The three musketeers

There’s a lot in this photo that we have questions about. Mainly, what is up with everyone’s faces?! They were all supposed to make a funny face when the picture was taken. It looks like Mom did not get the memo.

Source: Amber (Awkward Family Photos)

…or maybe she did? That’s a pretty funny face, after all! Props to the kid in the front for managing to stay calm and to Dad for keeping it weird. There’s no way we’d be so chilled out on a roller coaster.

Assume the position

The mom in this picture knew what was up – look at how relaxed she was! Her daughter seems to be bracing for the worst. After this ride was over, we reckon that dad needed a trip to s relaxing spa – or maybe a therapy session.

Source: rminton (Reddit)

This mom is clearly the thrill-seeker in this family. We wonder if her daughter followed in her footsteps and asked to go again and again. And Dad probably only went to give his daughter encouragement and make his wife happy. What a guy.

Horsing around

A lot is going on in this picture that we want to discuss. You have the horse and human couple kissing in the front, the boy and girl in the middle, and the terrified couple in the back. This is an award-winning shot.

Source: GrayHood Graysoon (Tumblr)

Which couple should we laugh at first? We have no idea which couples were staged and which ones were honest reactions. Either way, it makes for a pretty hilarious picture to take home with you. We wouldn’t mind a copy for ourselves.

Anniversary anxiety

As anniversary photos go, we do not recommend taking a picture on a roller coaster. It’s not the best option, guys. This couple decided to do it, though, to celebrate their 8th wedding anniversary. Hopefully, they didn’t share this one with the family.

Source: Jetsetter (Reddit)

You know what they say – the couple that screams together, stays together. The user who posted this picture said that it’s his favorite picture of him and his wife together. We can imagine that she doesn’t feel the same way.

Nightmare at Legoland

Legoland isn’t somewhere that is known for being terrifying. It is meant to be a fun and relaxing place to take your kids as you look at the amazing Lego structures. But the picture below shows us that there are people (like us) that don’t enjoy any of this roller coaster nonsense.

Source: Carlycross (Awkward Family Photos)

It’s difficult to see who had the most fun on this ride – or rather, if anyone had any fun on this ride. Parents should be warned: don’t go on any rides with your kid if you’re scared of the ride yourself.

The game never stops

You also get people who are super creative with their roller coaster pictures. Take a look at this four, who somehow managed to get a TV screen (or, ya know, some cardboard) and a Nintendo Gamecube onto Splash Mountain! This was a real success.

Source: Jason (Awkward Family Photos)

These guys deserve a lot of respect for being so creative and brave enough to go on the ride. Either that or they couldn’t tear themselves away from playing! Our only question is, what other cool pose ideas will they come up with?

Rocking out on the ride

This picture pretty much sums up the two kinds of people who go on roller coaster rides. You have thrill-seekers, like the guy on the right, and unwilling significant others forced to go, like the woman next to him. Which are you?

Source: darebare92 (Reddit)

We love the guy’s “rock out” hand gesture, although we feel pretty bad for the girl. She looks like she’s been dragged onto the ride and doesn’t seem to be having any fun! They probably have many pictures like this.

It’s my first time

For many of us, the first ride on a roller coaster is the most terrifying. You don’t know how you will feel! This user’s sixty-seven-year-old mom decided to take the plunge for the first time in forty years. We admire this!

Source: MarshmallowMark (Reddit)

Looking at her reaction, we reckon that she probably regretted this decision instantly. Going on a roller coaster as a child is terrifying enough, but we can’t imagine doing it as a senior citizen. We hope she wasn’t too scared after!

Force a smile

Some people think this photo on Splash Mountain is staged, but we’re pretty sure this is real, judging by the expression on the girl’s face. What she thought she would accomplish by pulling her man’s face, we are unable to guess.

Source: Reddit_PI (Reddit)

It seems the woman might’ve been trying to just hold onto something for dear life because she was so scared of the drop. The guy probably wasn’t too happy about this! Still, it makes for a funny photo and memory.

Too cool for school

We all had that stage as a teenager where we thought we were just too cool for everything. Well, this girl took wanted that time of her life to be memorialized! Just look at the way she’s rolling her eyes on the ride.

Source: BGally24 (Reddit)

If that wasn’t enough, look at her brother’s face in the front! The difference in their reactions is pretty funny, especially since the brother is the eldest one. And Dad back there is just too cool for school. We wish we could look this cool and collected on a roller coaster.

Demonic drop

Looking at this picture, you might think it’s a photo from The Exorcist or some other paranormal horror movie. But no – it’s just a terrified guy on a roller coaster! He regretted going on this ride, that is for sure.

Source: Mojotuff4 (Reddit)

This picture is just proof of why you should never go on roller coasters alone. At least if you’re with someone, there’s someone else to be just as scared as you are. This guy probably needed an exorcism after this ride.

Using the smell-o-phone

There are many different emotions in this picture that make it so funny. You have the guys in the front having the best time and the kid with glasses looking confused. The guy in green has no idea what’s going on!

Source: PassedMyPrime (Reddit)

The best part has to be the guy using his shoe to make a telephone call. Just who was he trying to talk to? Either way, they didn’t pick up. Bonus: the girl in the back who is equally confused.

There she blows!

For some people, going on a roller coaster can be pretty sickening…literally. We counted at least three people in this picture who were about to show everyone what they had for lunch. We certainly don’t want to see the after picture.

Source: Will (Awkward Family Photos)

The guy in the middle looks like he’s about to kill the guy in front – probably because the ride is so scary! That poor lady in the middle will get chunks of food flying at her from all angles.

Age of terror

We’ve seen a few kids who have been dragged onto roller coasters by their parents. The user who posted this picture said that his kid was excited to go on this roller coaster until the first drop came. Have a look at that face!

Source: Rauglothgor (Reddit)

That drop seems to have aged him by about 40 years! He certainly learned his lesson from this ride. Dad deserves a lot of respect for managing to catch this picture on his phone. We certainly couldn’t have done it!

A roller coaster of emotions

This is another creative photo. The guy in the middle asked his friends to help him propose to his girlfriend. They all held signs on the roller coaster. She looks like she totally had no idea what was happening behind her!

Source: missscottfraser (Reddit)

She said yes to the proposal – and we can see why! We wish the happy couple the best – and many more funny pictures! As an aside, peep her goofy expression. Do you think this is framed on the mantle anyway?

If looks could kill

And now, onto a much scarier photo! This daughter and father duo were on a roller coaster at Dollywood when this picture was snapped. The little girl looks like a demon is possessing her, but Dad is pretty chilled out, considering what is next to him.

Source: Jennifer (Awkward Family Photos)

Luckily, the little girl was able to see the humor in the situation, as they bought the photo at the end of the ride. We can imagine that this picture made a lot of people smile – we certainly did!

Triple threat

Taking your child on a roller coaster ride is always a risky move. What would be riskier than that? Taking three children on the ride at separate times. Not one of these kids looks like they enjoyed themselves, especially the middle one.

Source: vulgarly_dressed (Reddit)

This looks like the three stages of being a roller coaster. First, it is mild fear. Second, comes absolute terror. The last one, you are about to throw up. Dad looks like he enjoyed every second of this ride, and loved going three times.

The morning routine

Anyone who can pose on a roller coaster ride is insanely brave. Getting the whole family to do it is an absolute miracle! Just look at the clever way that each of these folk managed to show off their morning routine.

Source: t**sforf**k (Reddit)

We’re not sure which pose would have been the most difficult. Pretending to shave on a ride could’ve been a disaster. Making sure you don’t poke your eyes out with your mascara is a challenge, too. Mad respect all around.

Two for the price of one

This one has a pretty funny back story to go with it. This couple had been together for a while. The girlfriend said she could easily handle roller coasters, so they went on one. Take a look at the results.

Source: madirishman03 (Reddit)

We are pretty sure that she changed her mind on roller coasters afterward. That’s one lesson learned the hard way: don’t pretend that you can do something scary when you really can’t! We certainly won’t be making that mistake for ourselves.

One sweet ride

This picture is a pretty sweet one. The grandfather in the photo was diagnosed with COPD a few years back. This is a condition that causes many breathing problems. Still, he was happy and excited to go on a roller coaster.

Source: majahelenelarsen (Reddit)

Just look at the joy on his face! He seems incredibly thrilled to be on this ride, which is just so adorable. This picture is a nice reminder that it’s not all doom and gloom on roller coasters. They’re genuinely exciting!

A hair-raiser for sure

One of the worst parts of going on Splash Mountain is that it can ruin your hair. If you spent a lot of time doing your hair, this could be a disaster. Not for this smart-thinking mom. Her hair didn’t fall victim!

Source: Cyndi (Awkward Family Photos)

This mom was one step ahead. Sticking a plastic bag on your head to keep your hair safe is one creative idea! Just make sure there are no holes in it. It looks like everyone else had lots of fun!

She’s seen things

Another kid collection! This time, the girl in the front looks like she saw terrible things on that ride, judging by her expression. The boy in the back looks like he doesn’t want to see anything at all! The boy in the middle is ready to jet.

Source: PugLover5533 (Reddit)

We love the expression of the couple in the third row. They don’t look very impressed! Nobody is wearing safety belts, which means this must have been a gentle ride. So, exactly what terrifying thing did the children see?!

Our worst nightmare

Warning: this one is disgusting. This is easily our worst fear of going on a roller coaster ride! Make sure you don’t eat a lot before you go on a roller coaster. Or, at least keep your mouth closed for the journey.

Source: Dave (Awkward Family Photos)

If we were the girl in the front, we would be fuming. The reactions of the guys in the back sum up our feelings about this picture perfectly. It is so gross but also kind of hilarious at the same time!

Feeling flushed

Anyone with kids should take a look at this picture. The first picture is of this user’s brother before going on the roller coaster. The second picture is apparently of him during the roller coaster. We’re getting big Gremlins vibes from it.

Source: parasiticp***y (Reddit)

Honestly, this would make a great meme format. It’s so versatile. “Before and after a test.” “Gym versus Math class.” The list of meme potentials is endless! Looking at the effect on his face, we don’t want to try this ride.

Ax-ally amazing

We’ve seen a 67-year-old’s first ride, now let’s check out this young girl’s first time. We’re not sure whose was better, but it’s a fact that they are both truly hilarious. Thankfully, the girl’s dad was there to help her.

Source: hellmajor (Reddit)

It’s unclear which one the girl is more afraid of, the ax or the roller coaster itself. Thankfully, it seems that the ax is a fake one, or maybe one added to the photo frame. Nobody was hurt on this horror-themed ride!

Totally not photoshopped

You might think this one has some photo trickery to it, but we promise you that it’s real. The user’s sister went to a theme park with her family in North Caroline. They had this picture taken on the “kiddie ride.”

Source: Pamela (Awkward Family Photos)

Looking at the one kid’s face, it seems way too scary for him! The adults seem to be having a lot of fun. We guess it can’t be that bad. It was the boy’s first time, so this is why he’s so scared.

Just keep pushin’, pushin’…

No, it’s not Melissa McCarthy! This poor woman took a trip to Disneyland and got her pictures taken on the rides. She looks like she’s giving birth in every single one! Hopefully, she didn’t push too hard and hurt herself.

Source: Xadr123 (Reddit)

Closing your eyes is what a lot of people do on a roller coaster. We can’t recommend it as a solution, though. It doesn’t do away with the feeling in your stomach and the G-force on your face. Wishful thinking, ma’am!

It’s always playtime

Another creative pair here; this time, they’re playing Jenga instead of a video game. This game is hard enough to play on a stable windless surface. How they managed to play it on this ride is a mystery to us!

Source: Foody98 (Reddit)

The guys in the back look just as confused as we are! Rumor has it that they used glue to keep the pieces together. However, we have no idea if it’s true. Even so, this was a pretty clever photo. Thumbs up, fellas.

Up in the highlands

This one must have taken a lot of planning. The only thing that this group of Scotsmen was missing were their bagpipes. Although, they probably weren’t allowed to take them on the ride. It is a hilarious picture, either way!

Source: malleeman (Reddit)

Thankfully, no loose kilts were hanging around in this picture. Otherwise, we’d have to mark it as NSFW! And it looks like they were all having a great time. We would be, too, if we sat on a ride like this.

Lost chin action

This roller coaster looks like it was so powerful that it removed the guy’s chin! Either that or the G-force was just a little too strong when this picture was taken. Whatever the reason might have been, the result is this funny picture!

Source: Amebuu (Reddit)

The girl on the right has a priceless expression on her face. The user who posted this said that it was their first time on this ride. We doubt that they would go on this same ride in the future! Maybe a kiddie ride.

Teens + roller coaster = silliness

Some kids look for any excuse to pull a silly face or look cool, including when they are on a roller coaster. This one is too funny not to laugh at! Let’s just hope these faces were on purpose and not accidental.

Source: Cherie Caceres (Pinterest)

Every time we look at this picture, we find something even funnier. The boy in the front’s hand gesture, the guy’s cheeks in the back, the guy who has a cast on the ride, the thumbs up. The laughs never end!

She’s heard things

This girl’s expression makes her the spitting image of the little girl in number 28 above. But it seems this girl heard something just as terrifying! Supposedly, it’s a human instinct to cover our ears when we hear specific frequencies.

Source: Djblee (Reddit)

We doubt that this was effective, considering how noisy roller coaster rides are. This girl’s dad sitting next to her looks a little bit too chill. Suspiciously chill, in our opinion. Just what did they see and hear on this ride?!

Simpler times

Ahh, remember the 90s? No cellphones, no internet – and no safety belts, either! The user who posted this picture is holding the little girl in the front. She was only one year old when she went on this ride!

Source: wavy-moo (Awkward Family Photos)

Thankfully, safety guidelines have stepped up a whole bunch since then. There’s no way a small child like this could go on this ride now. Especially not without safety belts. Still, you just have to admire Dad’s quick-thinking skills. He looks none too happy.


Have you ever wondered what the meaning of life is? Just ask this guy in the blue shirt – he seems to have discovered it on Splash Mountain. The best thing is that he’s not even the funniest part of the picture!

Source: kyle-tisdel (Reddit)

There’s a girl behind him making a very bizarre face. There’s a guy in front of him who is holding on for dear life. The kid at the very front seems to be fearing for his life! A funny pic, all-around.

T-shirt t-pose

If you didn’t know, a T-pose is the default pose used for characters when creating a video game. We guess this kid already knew that since he decided to try it out on the ride. Perhaps he’s a future game developer.

Source: baconiswow (Reddit)

Or maybe this guy decided to live up to the writing on his t-shirt and just “chill.” We don’t recommend anyone else follow this guy’s example. Remember to keep your hands and legs in the vehicle at all times. We’ll be watching from the ground.

She is not amused

This user refused to go on Splash Mountain with this woman. Naturally, she was very annoyed about this. The result? This hilarious picture – just look at her face! If looks could kill, this woman’s husband would be a dead man for sure!

Source: Blackthorne519 (Imgur)

Hopefully, she wasn’t too furious about it afterward. Something about her expression tells us she might have been, though. It takes a lot of focus to hold a pose as serious as that, and she was ready for the camera so he could see her annoyance.

This ride is ‘armless

Anyone who still thinks they don’t need to keep their legs and arms in the roller coaster should look at this picture—just kidding! It’s a staged photo, but a pretty hilarious one. Look at their expressions! These are the kind of friends we want!

Source: drewlefever (Reddit)

Let’s just hope that everyone was in on the joke. Otherwise, they’re going to need some serious therapy for what they just saw on the ride. Bonus: look at the girl in the front row, who’s faking her excitement, and her sad boyfriend.

Lucky catch

The guy in the front left of this picture dropped his keys on the roller coaster. Luckily, the guy behind him had some seriously excellent reflexes and caught them just in time. Perhaps he should try out for the Olympics! Or something, anyway.

Source: Bitterbal95 (Reddit)

However, if you look at it from another angle, it looks like they’re releasing the keys back into the wild. The guy on the top right looks exactly how we feel. It’s a pretty amazing catch – one to be proud of.

The Haunting of Skyrush

Saving the best for last, here is an absolute classic. This picture includes the boy’s regular face for reference. Now, compare that to the picture of him on the ride. The irony has to be the message on his t-shirt.

Source: bombingofdresden (Reddit)

We’re getting mad Luke Skywalker vibes from this reference picture – and Darth Vader from the roller coaster photo. The G-force is strong with this one. It’s either that or demonic possession. This is a photograph that he won’t live down.