Ocean Exploration Technology
The earth is 70% seawater, but only 10-15% of the ocean has been explored. Humanity inescapably depends on the sea, yet knows very little about it. The deepest parts of the oceans hold many secrets. Unlocking the mysteries of deep-sea ecosystems can unveil new energy resources, tell a lot about our existence, help predict tsunamis and earthquakes, and help us understand how we are being affected and affecting the changes in the earth’s environment.
While the ocean’s high-pressure and dark conditions make research difficult and sometimes impossible, there have been some advancements in ocean exploration technology that help oceanographers study and understand oceans around the world.
#1 High Frequency Radars
High-frequency radars help measure the direction and speed of surface currents near the coast to up to 200 kilometers offshore. This technology is extremely beneficial in detecting floating objects on the sea surface, making it ideal for rescue and search operations.
#2 SeaGliders
A sea glider is an underwater glider, also known as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), designed and developed for long-term and continuous measurement of oceanographic parameters. This device is engineered for missions covering thousands of miles with an operating depth of up to 1000 meters, lasting for many months.
#3 Underwater Hydrophone
This is a device designed to detect underwater noise in the ocean. Based on the principles of piezoelectricity, the underwater hydrophone allows measuring the sound in the sea more precisely.
Final Words
These are the top ocean exploration technologies that are used for studying the oceans. They can help a lot to determine how the oceans are changing and affected by the earth’s environment.