Do Fibonacci Numbers Correlate With Natural Activities?

By Stephen M

There is no magic equation to explain the universe. However, some common ones sum up most activities in the natural world. An example is the Fibonacci numbers, a sequence of numbers proposed hundreds of years ago.

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This series of numbers has been spotted in ancient texts like Sanskrit for ages. However, it is more associated with Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano AKA Fibonacci. Due to a rabbit obsession, he tried finding out how many pairs of rabbits a single pair of rabbits can produce in a year.

He envisaged the female rabbits always give birth to a male and a female. The first two newborns were left to breed. And since rabbits take at least one month to reproduce, only the pair will remain for the first month. We now get two pairs as they give birth in the second month.

The following month, the original pair will give birth again, while the second pair grows, making the three pairs now.

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The sequence now goes like 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 … etc. The equation for this sequence is Xn+2= Xn+1 + Xn, and that’s what people call “Fibonacci numbers.” The ratio between the numbers is known as the “golden ratio.”

The Golden Ratio In Nature

Some plants, branches, and other natural stuff in the world somehow match this golden ratio. However, it doesn’t mean everything grows in the format, and this doesn’t suggest a correlation between nature and figures.