45 Deserted Places That Were Left In The Hands Of Mother Nature
Time, they say, is the most powerful tool in the world. You cannot control it, you can’t outrun it, and no one can stop it. When your time is up, there’s simply nothing you can do. These places were once famous for their beautiful scenery and were always filled with multitudes of people, but like how every beginning has an ending, the time of these places has come to an end. However, the beautiful stories of their past time live on for future generations, never to be forgotten. Who knows? Fifty years from now, the city we know today might be long gone, and only the stories will be left behind for our children to imagine. But for now, it’s our time to see the deserted places on earth people have Long forgotten about.
Rollercoaster in Nara Dreamland (Japan)
Nara Dreamland was a theme park in Japan created to replicate the famous Disneyland. Disney was said to have also been involved in the park’s development but left in between because of a conflict of license between both parties. The park opened in 1961, but despite their many efforts to replicate Disney, their inability to pull in large numbers of people was their downfall. The park was closed in 2006 and was later demolished in 2017.
Hotel de Salto (Colombia)
Much like the end of a Disney storybook, the tragic end of The Hotel de Salto comes to life. Famed for its rare structure, the Hotel de Salto was built on a cliff and is beautifully surrounded by trees and mountains.
The structure was originally set for reconstruction in 1950, but it never happened, and the original foundation became too weak due to the Bogota River contamination. This caused residents and tourists to lose interest in the hotel, bring it to its end.
Tu-144 Supersonic Passenger Jet (Kazan City)
Imagine coming home and seeing a jet parked in the center of your backyard. Yeah, we would also think it’s World War III. We don’t know who parked it there and for what reason, but we do know the owner never showed up to take it back.
Bystanders and people walking by discovered the jet. They couldn’t exactly miss it. And as you know, nothing spreads faster than rumors, especially when it’s true. Soon, the backyard became a tourist attraction as people started to crowd the place to take photos.
The Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Graveyard (Peru)
A deserted automobile graveyard enters the list, and surprisingly, it’s a ton of motorcycles, not cars. If you look closely at them, you’ll find out they actually belonged to the Police of Puente Piedra, a Peruvian district in Lima.
The police intentionally abandoned these bikes because they couldn’t afford the cost of their maintenance. The bikes later went on to be sold for $1,300 at various auctions. The government also sold the parts of the bikes sparingly.
Chatillon: The Car Cemetery
We thought it was a place where cars are scrapped, but it turned out to be a deserted car graveyard located in Chatillon, near Paris, France. These cars belonged to U.S soldiers who had to leave them behind during the second World War.
They abandoned them because they didn’t have the financial ability to ship them home. These cars were originally parked at the top of a hill in the forest, away from people’s view. But they have now been moved due to environmental concerns.
Six Flags Theme Park (USA)
On the 25th of August 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New Orleans hard and caused over 1800 deaths and $125 billion in damages. Six Flags theme park was a victim of the disaster and has been abandoned ever since.
Ever since the tragic event in 2005, all efforts to rebuild the park have been futile. Even today, you’ll find Six Flags abandoned, overgrown with plants, and uninhabited. Its lifeless existence still serves as a reminder of the unfortunate event.
Fukushima Supermarket (Japan)
In March 2011, the Fukushima Supermarket is one of the many places in Japan to suffer from what is known today as one of the greatest catastrophes in modern history. Over 300,00 people were evacuated because of it, but the reminder is still there.
The cause was revealed to be an earthquake and a tsunami, which affected the nuclear power plant. So many places, properties, and stores had to be evacuated and abandoned, including the Fukushima Supermarket. All of its gadgets, foods, and drinks were left as well.
Atkins Hall Apartments (Ireland)
Today, the Atkins Hall Apartments is a sought-after residential area, but it is worth noting that it wasn’t always like that. Up until 2002, when it was vacated, it was an asylum, one that was rumored to be haunted.
The four-story building Apartments has now been developed and renovated into new residential units in different sections of the grounds. If people knew what went down in those apartments, we wonder if they’d still want to live there. You never can know.
The Chernobyl Ferris Wheel (Ukraine)
The Pripyat Amusement Park was set to open on the 1st of May, 1986, but everything changed when the Chernobyl disaster occurred. The Chernobyl nuclear accident occurred on the 26th of April, 1986, and is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history.
Despite the nuclear accident being only a few kilometers away from the park, the risk was too great, and eventually, a city-wide evacuation was ordered forever. Just like the roller coaster in New Orleans, this Ferris wheel is a reminder of what went down in Chernobyl.
Space Shuttle at the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan)
On November 15, 1988, the Soviet Union launched their first space shuttle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (today Kazakhstan). The shuttle was called “Buran,” and it bore a striking resemblance to the shuttle of the United States. However, that was the end of it.
The project was terminated in 1993 by President Boris Yeltsin, the first post-Soviet Union President. There are three surviving Burans alive today. You’ll find one in the Baikonur museum and the other two gathering dust at the Baikonur complex.
Dome Houses (Florida)
These Dome Houses were a self-sufficient vacation home built by Bob Lee in Florida in 1981 before nature took them over, leaving them abandoned. They were truly a piece of art, and even though the houses were in 1981, they had modern-day infrastructures.
Bob Lee thought he had accounted for the infrastructure for all conditions when he built it, including the harsh hurricane winds. One thing he didn’t see coming was the tide of the sea. Although they were repurchased in 2001, the Dome houses are still underwater today.
Swingers Tiki Palace (Tennesse)
In 1972 Chattanooga, Tennesse, the dream house of a strip club owner, Billy Hull, was completed, and it came out as a work of art. The construction took 14 months, and 10,000 residents attended its open house party.
However, a year later, Billy Hull was found guilty of murder-for-hire and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. He later died of cancer in 2008. In 2014, the house was listed for sale, but no one wanted it. It was eventually demolished in 2017.
Deserted Ferris Wheel (Japan)
Nothing speaks horror movie more than a Ferris wheel in a deserted theme park. This Ferris wheel is owned by The Kejonuma Leisure Land, a popular theme park established in 1979. It used to have more than 200,000 visitors every year.
It wasn’t just a place people went for fun. It was also a vacation spot because they offered accommodation services. However, in 2000, they shut it down. Although the owner hasn’t given up on the place, it has been inactive ever since.
Deserted Cottage (Stradbally, Ireland)
You won’t find many cottages that look as beautiful and dreamlike as this one, especially with all the wildlife growing around it. It has been like this since the 1800s, but no one has any idea who built it or who lived there.
Located in the forest nearby Stradbally, Ireland, this cottage has been deserted for decades. We understand why, however. No one would want to enter a deserted home in the forest, especially one this beautiful. It’s tempting but bizarre.
Underwater Sculpture Park (Grenada)
British sculptor Jason DeCaires Taylor designed this unusual work of art, and even though the municipality opened it to the public in 2006, anyone who wants to have a look at it will need to dive underwater to find it.
Located deep in the Caribbean sea at the Molinere Bay Resort in Grenada, this park can only be found by boat. According to the artist, the sculptures represent the unity of children from diverse backgrounds proposing growth, chance, and transformation.
The Khanka Shipwreck (Red Sea)
The Red sea is quite famous when it comes to wrecked ships, from the biblical stories of the Israelites to the Dunraven. However, the “Khanka,” also known as “The Russian Shipwreck,” was a spy ship that wrecked in the Red Sea.
Aside from the fact that it was discovered in 1988, there is no information on where the ship was headed and for what purpose. Up until today, you’ll find the remains of the Khanka and other lost ships underwater in the red sea.
Last House on Holland Island (USA)
What you’re looking at right now is the last house on Holland Island. It held its ground until its collapse in October 2010. As of 1910, Holland Island was the most populated island in the Chesapeake Bay, with over 360 residents.
It was an island with over 70 homes, a two-room school, and a post office. It eventually shrunk down into an island with just one house. It all happened because of erosion, and despite the many efforts of the residents, they couldn’t stop it.
Hydrofoil Ship (Russia)
During the cold war in the 1880s, there was a type of vessel that could move underwater at an insane speed of 150km per hour. The Russians called it “Raketas.” It uses Hydrofoil technology, allowing it to run at full speed.
Rostislav Alexeyev is the father of the modern Hydrofoil. He built over 3000 vessels for Russia and Ukraine. However, the economic collapse of the Soviet Union ended the production of Hydrofoils. All the ships were abandoned and left to rust.
Fishing Hut on a Lake (Germany)
We don’t know who built this hut or who previously lived there, but it’s clear the owners had a thing for wildlife and fishing. This hut is uninhabited and is located inside of the Berchtesgaden national park in Germany.
When it was found, the woods were already deteriorating, and it seemed like it could collapse if a gust of wind came rushing in. There are no nearby neighbors or villagers, just the hut standing in the middle of the lake.
Deserted Railroad Bridge (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
After the emergence of cars and motorcycles, a lot of people didn’t see the need to keep commuting by train when they can drive in their fancy cars. This led to the abandonment of many railroad bridges in Pennsylvania.
Traveling by train became marginalized, many people started to see it as a poor man’s transportation mechanism. Moreover, no one was willing to donate funds for the maintenance of the abandoned bridges. And Just like that, the railroads were forgotten.
Unfinished Obelisk (Egypt)
The Unfinished Obelisk is the largest obelisk ever created in ancient Egypt. It was 42 meters long and is said to be as heavy as 200 African elephants. It was created under the orders of the fifth Pharaoh of Egypt, Hatshepsut.
The creators of the Obelisk abandoned the project because they discovered cracks appearing in the granite. The body of the unfinished Obelisks still has the lines and markings of incredible stone-working techniques from artisan’s tools used in ancient Egypt.
The Yellow House (Nova Scotia)
We know what you’re thinking. You’re probably wondering why anyone would abandon a house this beautiful, especially with all those sunflowers around. Well, they didn’t abandon it. They actually had no choice but to leave the beautiful structure behind.
Nova Scotia used to contain many communities, but the people didn’t have good jobs. Once the children of these communities grew up, they left their homes in search of greener pastures. Their houses were abandoned after their parents passed away.
The H.M.S (Ontario)
In 2008, the oldest shipwreck and the only fully intact warship ever found in the Great Lakes was the H.M.S. It was said to have sunk during a fierce storm in Lake Ontario in 1780, but researchers are still not 100 percent sure.
The wreckage happened while the ship was passing through Fort Niagara to Oswego, and more than 100 men lost their lives in the tragedy. It took 35 years before Jim Kennard, and Dan Scoville found the ship.
Christ of the Abyss (Italy)
You don’t have to be a Christian to be familiar with the story of Jesus Christ. He is one of the most popular religious figures on earth. You’ll find many pictures, art, and sculptures of him all around the world, including the sea.
Sculptured by Guido Galletti, the Christ of Abyss is made of bronze and can be found in three countries: Italy, Spain, and the USA. The first was built in 1954 in Italy and was placed at the death site of the legendary Italian scuba diver, Dario Gonzatti.
Ratozbrücke Devil’s Bridge (Germany)
In case you’re wondering how a bridge can be fully shaped like a circle, don’t bother because it’s impossible. The Devil’s Bridge was structurally designed as a half-circle while its reflection on the water completes the circle. It’s genius
The Ratozbrücke is called the Devil’s bridge due to the superstitious belief that only the devil could have created this piece of art. The Devil’s Bridge is located in Kromlaeur Park, Eastern Germany, and is best accessed if you have a car.
Michigan Central Station (USA)
The Michigan central station in Detroit, USA, was another victim of the emergence of cars which changed the world forever. Built in 1913, the Michigan train station was so important that it was in use even before its completion.
It played a vital role in the world war and was mostly used by soldiers. After the war ended and cars became the new wave, it’s usage drastically declined. It eventually closed down in 1988 and was sold to Ford motors in 2018.
Abandoned Bettle Car in Lagoon Beach (South Africa)
A stunning beetle car can be found deserted on Milnerton’s Lagoon Beach in South Africa. Beetle cars might not be the trendiest and latest car on the market today, but it was as famous as a Ferrari in the past.
It’s not the first time we’re seeing an abandoned car, but this one stands out because of the red beautiful scene of the beach. It looks like a volcano, and if it is, that would explain why the car was abandoned.
Abandoned Farmhouse (Switzerland)
In Switzerland, farming is not considered a very profitable business as only 4% of its entire population is into farming. If you go deep into the fields, however, you’ll find many beautiful but deserted farmhouses. No one is tending to them.
In Switzerland, the few people still into farming would prefer to have a few large farms as opposed to a lot of small farms. Also, Switzerland is not an ideal place to grow crops because of the climate and terrain.
Helensburgh Glow Worm Tunnel (Australia)
Today, the Helensburgh Tunnel is a popular tourist attraction in Australia because it is home to a group of insects called “Glowworm” and also because of its superstitious history. There were several reports of mysterious occurrences in the tunnel, including a murder.
The tunnel opened in 1989 and played an integral part in becoming one of the town’s first railway stations. It was closed in 1920 when another tunnel was built. In 2001, it obtained a federal license to become a tourist center.
Lucy the Elephant (New Jersey)
Lucy, nicknamed “The Elephant Bazaar,” was built in 1881 by James V. Lafferty. Lucy was created to promote real estate sales by grabbing the attention of tourists. Over the years, Lucy has served as a restaurant, business office, and even a tavern.
Lucy has been struck by lightning and burnt by fire but still stands today as one of America’s oldest surviving roadside tourist attractions. In 1976, Lucy was officially designated a National Historic Landmark, and her birthday is celebrated every 20th of June.
Tangalooma Wrecks (Australia)
At first glance, you would think this sea is cursed, considering the number of sunken ships that can be seen from an aerial view. However, it turns out the ships were intentionally put underwater by the Queensland Government between 1963 to 1984.
A total number of fifteen vessels were placed underwater to provide safe anchorage spots for recreational boat owners. Five ships were sunk in 1963, another five in the 1970s, and an additional five in the 1980s. They definitely have plenty of places to park their modern ships now.
The Neurippin Mansion (Germany)
Bad luck doesn’t come these days like it did on the Neurippin Mansion. Ludwig, the son of Carl von Diebitsch, desired an estate that had the same structure as a grand castle. He stopped at nothing to complete the mansion.
In just one year, from 1876-1877, the mansion was completed but at the cost of his entire family’s wealth. The mansion would go on to be owned by several other wealthy people, but none of them lived there for more than a year.
Jianqing Huaigu Trail (Taiwan)
This is the beautiful forest railway of Taipingshan, where you’ll find the historical trail of Jianqing. The Jianqing trail is built as part of the old logging railway and used to be a major logging area during the Japanese occupation.
Back in the day, the trail was originally 2.35km long, but after a typhoon destroyed it in 2013, it is now only 0.9km long. Even though it is open and accessible to visitors, people rarely visit, considering it’s hard to reach.
La Villa Zanelli (Italy)
The Villa Zanelli is a historical building built by a famous sea captain, Nicollo Zanielli, in 1907. The Zanielli family lived in the villa until 1933 when it was officially sold to the municipality of Milan, who converted the house into a camping site.
The Villa Zanelli also served as a hospital camp during the Second World War. Traces and markings of red crosses are still evident on the outside walls. In 1988, the building was closed after it suffered a partial collapse.
Swallow Nest Castle (Ukraine)
If we didn’t know better, we would have said this was Camelot in the popular magical series of Merlin. However, this is the Swallow Nest Castle, and it was built in 1911. It was structurally designed by Russian architect Leonid Sherwood.
The Swallow Nest was built on top of a cliff called the Aurora. Like that’s not already dangerous, it also suffered from an earthquake in 1927 and had to be closed in 1930 as a precaution. It remained closed for 40 years.
Power Plant IM (Belgium)
The Power plant IM was built in 1921, and till today, is still one of the largest coal-burning power plants in Belgium. Even though it has been abandoned, its cooling tower can still be seen from the downtown area.
By 1977, the power plant became the major source of energy in Charleroi. Soon after, a report came out accusing the power plant of being responsible for 10% of the total emissions in Belgium. Because of this, it was closed down.
Deserted Home in Wheatfield (Oregon)
There’s a haunted house no one dares to visit in the middle of a wheat field in a town called Boyd in Oregon. This house is said to be another abandoned house left behind after the city was disincorporated in 1955.
The town of Boyd has always had issues, especially with the low price of wheat and the low number of people bringing businesses into town. However, what killed off Boyd was the Great Depression. This led to people abandoning their homes.
Buđarkirkja (Iceland)
Buđarkirkja is a church in Iceland that is popular among couples as their favorite place to walk down the aisle. It’s a beautiful church with remarkable surroundings, and its colors make it the perfect place to tie the knot.
The first Buđarkirkja was built in 1703 before it was torn down. It was located in Buđir, just next to the beach. The current Buđarkirkja was built in 1987 and had a graveyard, bell, and a chalice of the former church.
Pavillionul Central Baile Govara (Romania)
The Pavillion Central Baile used to be a former mental hospital (Sanatorium) structurally designed by Architect Ernest Doneaud. It was built between 1911 to 1914 and was opened in 1915. It was opened while it was still under construction.
The hospital utilized water-based treatments and electrotherapy to help patients with respiratory diseases. They later added compressed air cabinets, which helped patients breathe well in extreme air pressure conditions. The hospital was later abandoned due to the reign of communism.
Halcyon Hall (New York)
The Halcyon Hall was structurally designed in 1893 by H. J. Davison. It was originally designed to be a luxury hotel, but after the hotel business failed to become a success, it was transformed into Benett College in 1907.
After the emergence of several colleges in the 1970s, the competition was stiff, and Benett College found itself in a pool of debt. Eventually, in 1977, they went bankrupt, and the school was abandoned. It was later demolished in 2014.
Mar Sem Fin Shipwreck (Brazil)
Mar Sem Fim means “Endless Sea,” and it was the name of the yacht owned by famous Brazillian journalist Joao Lara Mesquita. The yacht eventually capsized in water and was frozen on ice in Maxwell Bay of Ardley Cove.
All four crew members on the yacht survived the wreck, fortunately. They were saved by the Chilean Navy, who heard their cries for help. The Mar Sem Fim, however, could not be saved and had to stay underwater for a year.
Lockheed P-38 Lightning (Wales)
The Lockheed P-38 is an American fighter aircraft of the United States Army Air corps that crashed in 1942. When the crash happened, Lt. F. Elliot was on the plane who was on a gunnery practice mission during the Second World War.
Although Lt. F. Elliot survived the crash, he was declared missing in action a few months later. The Welsh government has named the crash site “The Maid of Harlech” and has protected the site as a historical landmark till today.
Pancho Semov’s House (Bulgaria)
Pancho Semov was a billionaire, a businessman, and a philanthropist – hence the nickname, “The Bulgarian Rockefeller.” He wasn’t always rich, but he made his way to the top by becoming the most influential textile trader in the country.
Before his death, he wanted his villa to become a retirement home, and his two other buildings converted into a girl’s boarding school. After he died in 1945, all of his resources meant for charity were seized by the government.
Norwich State Hospital (England)
The Norwich state hospital was originally built for mentally unstable and criminally insane individuals. It was built in 1904 and had just one building. After a decade, it had 16 buildings, and just like that, the hospital kept growing.
The hospital’s closure started in the 1970s when there were reports of hospital staff behaving in an unethical manner. In 1996, most of the hospitals finally shut down, leaving only two buildings in operation. Since then, it has been abandoned.
The Ghost Towns of China
For a country with over one billion people, you would think they’d be struggling to find a place to live, but the opposite is actually the case for many areas. Instead, they have towns and cities built in certain places, but literally, no one lives in them.
China is still considered a growing country, so you can understand why they felt the need to have structures in place for their increased population. Today, most of the ghost towns of China are now fully functioning cities with residents.